Osteochondrosis - What kind of disease is it?

Symptoms of spinal osteochondrosisOsteochondrosis is a degenerative dystrophic change in the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and joint complexes. It occurs due to metabolic disorders of the cartilage and bone tissue of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. In short, with rickets and osteochondrosis, the disc and adjacent bony structures wear down over time, compensating for changes through marginal growth of tissue and its compaction. In the case of rickets - only the disc cartilage itself, in the case of osteochondrosis - the vertebral bodies adjacent to it. This is a very common disease. According to the World Health Organization, up to 80% of the world's residents suffer from this disease. Doctors say the most common cause of this condition is increased pressure on the spine - excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.Neuroscientist Igor Matsokin and exercise therapist Oksana Ivanova tell us what to do if you have osteochondrosis? Where to go if you suspect you have this disease.


According to the ICD-10 classification, the code for spinal osteochondrosis is M42. It includes:
  • M42. 0 Adolescent spinal osteochondrosis Calve’s disease, Scheuermann’s disease
Excluded: Positional kyphosis (M40. 0)
  • M42. 1 Adult spinal osteochondrosis
  • M42. 9 Spinal osteochondrosis, unspecified


Depending on the location, there are the following types:


The cervical spine is subject to high loads and a fairly complex range of motion.symptom:There is a crunching sensation in the neck when turning the head left and right and stiffness when moving. You may experience headaches (tension headaches), which are painful sensations in your shoulder girdle muscles.Consistently tight muscles may cause numbness and tingling in the hands.The main focus of treatment is recovery, relieving spasm and inflammation, and restoring range of motion.


The chest area has less mobility than other parts of the body where osteochondrosis occurs. Therefore it rarely occurs.Symptoms: Chest muscle pain, often aggravated by static loading.


Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint occurs due to injury, stretching of the tendons and muscles. It most commonly occurs when athletes and loaders place excessive loads on their shoulders. But it can also develop into cervical osteochondrosis.Pain and restriction when moving the joint.


Osteochondrosis of the spine destroys the intervertebral discs. It happens that not one but two or more parts of the spine are affected. For example, in the waist and neck area. This is called multisegmental or generalized osteochondrosis of the spine.

Lumbar vertebra

Lumbar osteochondrosis is common. The lumbosacral region of the spine experiences the greatest stress. symptom:
  • Lower back, leg pain
  • Pain when bending, turning - stiffness of back movement


The pain of osteochondrosis of the hip is not severe, but it is important to seek immediate medical attention so that surgical intervention is not required.


Knee disease. The cartilage that ensures unimpeded sliding and movement of the joint is destroyed and cannot be restored. Fibrocartilage forms, causing pain and stiffness in the legs. Knee pain and limited movement are the main reasons to see a doctor and get a diagnosis.

youthful vitality

The disease affects children, most commonly between the ages of 10 and 18. Degenerative changes occur in the spine, affecting ligaments, joints, discs, and bones. Osteochondrosis in adolescents progresses rapidly but is difficult to detect in the initial stages due to lack of activity limitations. I only feel some discomfort after going to bed in the morning.Location of osteochondrosis


This disease occurs when metabolism is disrupted. As we age, our cartilage tissue wears down. A lack of water, trace elements and amino acids reduces the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. Salt deposits are the result of osteochondrosis. The cause of pain is usually irritation (or irritation) of the nerve roots.This disease affects athletes who put high stress on their backs, such as weightlifters. The risk increases after a spinal injury. Osteochondrosis usually occurs in school children and drivers who sit for long periods of time or bend over a desk. Which factors cause this disease depends on lifestyle.


Osteochondrosis is divided into 4 stages (stages):
  • Level 1 - rickets. There is already pain
  • Level 2 - Unstable. The affected disc becomes displaced relative to the underlying disc, causing severe pain.
  • Third degree - formation of intervertebral hernia. They compress nerve fibers and blood vessels.
  • Grade 4 – Intervertebral disc fibrosis. Osteophytes may occur. These are bone growths that the body is trying to restore to support function.

When to take prevention

Better late than never. If you are overweight and live a sedentary lifestyle, the sooner you start making changes, the more you will invest in your health.


How the disease manifests itself in different sectors:
  • back pain
  • Cold and numb hands and feet
  • Headache
  • restrict movement
It is important not to confuse these symptoms with other illnesses. For example, symptoms of osteochondrosis of the chest and diseases of the cardiovascular system may be similar. For accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment, you will need to consult a neurologist or therapist for a referral to a specialist.


Pain is a major problem in osteochondrosis and can be difficult to get rid of. In addition, not only is the disc or joint itself painful, but the pain can further radiate throughout the body. And the pain of thoracic osteochondrosis happens to radiate to the heart, so this feeling is easily confused with heart disease.How to differentiate between heart pain and osteochondrosis:
  • With heart problems, a burning sensation may occur in the chest and may radiate to the arms or neck. The pain comes on suddenly and lasts no longer than 30 minutes. The temperature rises, causing dizziness and chills. Accompanied by feelings of lack of air and shortness of breath.
  • The pain of osteochondrosis can be different: pressing, shooting. Generally speaking, its nature is mild. It is not accompanied by shortness of breath and changes in blood pressure and pulse. It has a shingles quality and can last for several days or go away immediately.


Whether a headache occurs depends on the source of the disease. Headaches occur due to excessive tension in the muscles and ligaments of the neck, the influence of the muscles on the painful skin branch channels of the trigeminal nerve, and the influence of the autonomic regulation of vascular tone on the trunk.

Dizziness and noise in the head

Osteochondrosis causes dizziness and noises in the head for the same reason as headaches: due to excessive muscle tension and irritation of certain areas of the autonomic nervous system and subsequent vascular reactions. It's important to remember that similar sensations in the ears can be a sign of other conditions.

lump in throat

A lump in the throat caused by cervical osteochondrosis is a common symptom. This is because the inflamed tissue increases in size. People may experience itching, neck throbbing, or even suffocation. Feeling like something is stuck in your throat, especially when swallowing. This discomfort often forces you to see a doctor. But this is not always osteochondrosis; it is important to rule out other conditions, such as goiter and chronic pharyngitis. If you experience similar feelings, it's best to see an otolaryngologist first. He will determine the cause and refer you to another specialist.

difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath due to compression of vascular bundles. Osteochondrosis develops in the neck or chest area. Unable to take deep breaths due to pain; must take shallow breaths frequently. As a result, respiratory function is impaired, and headaches and dizziness occur due to lack of oxygen to the brain. This can have serious consequences. If you notice such symptoms, talk to your doctor.

panic attack

A neurosurgeon at an area hospital claims there is a direct link between panic attacks and osteochondrosis. One of the causes of panic attacks is a sign of disrupted blood circulation to the brain. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occurs frequently due to compression of blood vessels and vertebral arteries. Chest pain and shallow breathing can also cause panic due to this condition.


Whether or not body temperature occurs in osteochondrosis depends on a variety of causes. It is important to rule out other factors, such as acute respiratory infection.


This disease affects blood pressure; it is important to avoid this surge in pressure.

Clinical Guidelines

At the time of diagnosis, conservative treatment is recommended, followed by surgery to eliminate the cause of the pain. The following drugs are prescribed in clinical guidelines:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available in the form of suppositories, injections, ointments, gels, etc.
  • For high-intensity acute pain, therapeutic blockade is required, and the main drugs are local anesthetics and corticosteroids.
  • Manual therapy, osteopathy, massage.


The earlier you start treatment, the easier it is to avoid worsening of the condition in the future. A common cause is lifting heavy objects, especially with one hand. It is important to distribute the weight evenly and not to lift suddenly. It is recommended not to lift heavy objects at all. If the condition does get worse, medications will take effect.


Treatment is complex and requires the use of multiple methods simultaneously. The main goals are to relieve pain and prevent further deterioration of the vertebrae and cartilage.

Therapeutic Exercise (Physical Therapy)

It is the main method of conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Quantitative load
  • nerve root decompression
  • Correcting and strengthening muscle corsets
  • Maintains correct posture and gives the ligamentous-muscular system the necessary flexibility
  • Prevent complications
To achieve their goals, patients are advised to exercise regularly with rehabilitation equipment and perform joint exercises. These exercises improve blood circulation, normalize the metabolism and nutrition of the intervertebral discs, help increase the intervertebral space, form muscle tights and reduce the load on the spine.However, the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is not limited to exercise therapy. Physical therapy based on physical factors:
  • low frequency current
  • magnetic field
  • Ultrasound and laser

Physical therapy applications

It allows you to speed up the treatment of many diseases, increase the effectiveness of drug treatments and reduce their dosage, and avoid the typical side effects of drugs.


Effectively relieves muscle tension and pain, improves blood circulation, and has a general strengthening effect.

manual therapy

Doctors' individual effects on the musculoskeletal system relieve acute and chronic pain in the spine and joints and increase range of motion and correct posture.


Various treatment techniques and methods that affect reflex zones and acupuncture points on the body. Combining reflexology with other treatments can significantly increase its effectiveness.

drug treatment

It is expressed during the exacerbation of the disease and aims to relieve pain, eliminate inflammatory processes and enhance metabolic processes. The drug can be given intramuscularly or intravenously.It is important to note that while each method listed is highly effective, the greatest therapeutic effect can only be achieved when combined with exercises on rehabilitative equipment. This allows you to create a mature muscular corset and ensures long-lasting treatment results. How you treat each type of osteochondrosis depends on its location and why it appears.

treatment at home

At home, you can and should continue treatment according to your doctor's recommendations. First, pay attention to your diet and exercise at home. If you want to add folk remedies or decoctions to your treatment, check with your doctor to see if they are safe in combination with medications.


Most medications for osteochondrosis are designed to relieve pain:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and nimesulide. Not only available in tablet form, but also in ointment and gel form. It is important to take the tablets in courses rather than systemically because of their effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If NSAIDs don't relieve pain, doctors may prescribe opioid analgesics (glucocorticoids) to treat severe pain.
  • Neuropathic pain requires anticonvulsants or antidepressants.
  • Vasodilators to avoid hypoxia.
  • Osteochondrosis chondroprotectants - drugs that improve cartilage and joint function.
  • Muscle relaxants help relieve pain caused by excessive muscle tension.


Osteochondrosis applicators are a popular treatment supplement. It affects nerve impulses and improves blood flow, helping to relieve swelling. I mainly use two types of applicators:
  • Kuznetsov applicator - pad with plastic spikes
  • Lyapko applicator - covered with needle and alloy of different metals.
They should only be used with permission from your attending physician.


A cervical collar (or bandage) can help with cervical osteochondrosis to relax and relieve the load on the neck muscles. As a result, the pain disappears and blood flow to the brain improves. Bandages come in different sizes and hardnesses, so if you have neck pain, be sure to talk to your doctor to find out the cause. If it's osteochondrosis and you have no contraindications, your doctor can tell you which product is best for you.


Darsonval is a medical device that generates electrical current in the form of a pulse-damped discharge. It has a very wide range of effects, from dermatological problems to gastrointestinal disorders. Darsonval improves tissue permeability and improves local blood circulation. As a result, the drug penetrates faster and deeper, the muscles relax and cramps disappear.


Droppers for osteochondrosis help provide quick pain relief. They are prescribed when other drugs are contraindicated. This occurs, for example, in people who are intolerant to the ingredients in NSAID tablets.


Corsets are used to immobilize the spine in osteochondrosis. This helps relieve tension and prevent the vertebrae from shifting. It can be used after consulting your doctor.


Use pain relief patches to relieve pain in your spine and joints. They are convenient to use when applying ointments or creams is not possible because they would stain clothing.


Injections can help provide quick pain relief during an exacerbation. It works and works quickly. It's important to continue taking care of your body, even if your condition improves, by following your doctor's recommendations and exercising. Injections are also a quick and effective way to deliver nutrients to the discs.

What to inject for osteochondrosis:

  • chondroprotectant
  • NSAIDs
  • Antispasmodics
  • vitamins
The choice depends on the duration of the disease, the presence of pain, and the advice of the treating physician.


  • Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the restoration of the bone structure of the spine.
  • Vitamins A, E, and C help produce collagen and other tissues needed for joints.
  • The medical journal talks about the B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin) that have analgesic effects in cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, you can reduce your intake of painkillers.

orthopedic pillow

Orthopedic sleep pillows won't replace treatment, but sleeping on them will be much more comfortable. Pillows come in different shapes and different materials. For example:
  • Rectangular pillows or cushioned pillows are ideal for people with any type of osteochondrosis
  • Crescent shape relieves neck and shoulder pain
  • Pillows with notches in the center or notches for the shoulders will help patients with cervical osteochondrosis maintain proper blood circulation in any position while sleeping. Best for the neck and its natural position.
It is also important to consider not only the form of osteochondrosis but also a person's preferred sleeping position. A neurologist will tell you which pillow to choose after analyzing your sleep preferences and the characteristics of your disease.


Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis can only be performed in a state of remission. It will help improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, spine and muscle flexibility. Proper massage can slow or even stop the spread of disease. But it’s not always possible to visit a massage specialist. Special equipment will come into play, such as electric back and neck massagers. They are particularly effective in the initial stages of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The main thing is to use it correctly and consult a doctor.


There is no special diet for osteochondrosis. The most important thing is to maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, you should talk to your doctor about ways to lose weight and understand the reasons for your high weight.What does balanced diet mean:
  • protein
  • healthy saturated fat
  • complex carbohydrates
  • fruits and vegetables
It's also important to monitor salt intake. It promotes fluid retention in the body.


Special drugs with therapeutic effects come to the fore, for example after spinal hernia removal surgery.And, these exercises are fairly simple even for the unprepared. For example, "first aid" to relieve neck tension:Adopt correct knee and elbow position (do not round your lower back). Slowly push the floor away from you with your hands and "drop" with your back between your shoulder blades. No need to do push-ups. Keep your hands in one position. What moves up and down is the chest area.Neck Exercises for OsteochondrosisGymnastics to improve thoracic spine mobility:Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your arms at your sides, slightly lower than your shoulders. Touch the hand of one hand to the hand of the other hand. At a glance, he "followed" his hand. The shoulders may come off the floor. Do this slowly for one minute.Thoracic spine range of motion exercisesYou can use the dual massage rollers to relieve cervical and shoulder discomfort and improve them:Standing with your back against a wall, place the roller between your shoulder blades and press it against the wall, with your feet one step away from the wall. The rollers should not press against the spine, but against the sides of the spine. Perform a half-squat as far as is comfortable, bending your knees but not lifting your heels off the floor. The roller should move along the height of your shoulder blades. You can do the same exercise for your neck: hold the roller around your neck, relax your arms, and lift your chin slightly. While squatting, move the roller to the base of your skull.Exercises to Combat Tight Shoulders


Whether someone with osteochondrosis can enlist depends on the severity of the disease and accurate diagnosis. All documentation and certificates must be complete: at least a neurologist's report and radiographs. Otherwise, after a physical examination, a decision can be made whether to serve in the military.Under what circumstances will you not be drafted into the army:
  • Damage to three or more spinal discs
  • Anatomical changes are visible
  • Significant pain syndrome, including after lifting weights
If symptomatic and documented, the young person can receive Category B – Limited Fitness for Service. This means he will not be drafted into the army, but may be drafted during military training.Obtaining Category D - complete exemption from military service - is almost impossible. For example, osteochondrosis may result in kyphosis—the final stage of osteochondrosis.

Questions and Answers

Acupuncture treatment of osteochondrosis

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is used in conjunction with other treatments. It is particularly effective when pain syndromes worsen.This process has many advantages:
  • Low risk of allergic reactions
  • Fast results
  • Minimal risk of injury
It's important to understand that acupuncture can help relieve pain, but it cannot cure disease.

How to sleep correctly with cervical osteochondrosis

There are two best positions: lying on your back and lying on your side.Sleeping on your back is best for relaxing your body. For proper weight distribution, it is recommended to place a small cushion under the knees.When lying on the side, the neck muscles relax, the load on the spine is reduced, and the blood circulation process is not disturbed.It’s important to choose the right pillow for your preferred position.

Can I take a steam bath if I have osteochondrosis?

In most cases, bathing is not a contraindication. On the contrary, due to the high temperature, blood flow improves and symptoms decrease.If osteochondrosis worsens, bathing is prohibited. If blood flow increases at the site of inflammation, complications can occur.

Can I still participate in sports if I have osteochondrosis?

Moderate loading is not only permissible but also necessary in osteochondrosis. But there are exceptions:
  • professional sports
  • dangerous sport
  • weightlifting

Can cervical osteochondrosis be treated with neck warming?

You should not heat your neck to relieve pain. This way, blood begins to flow more toward the inflammation, and the inflammation increases.

What not to do with osteochondrosis

  • Lifting weights, including in the gym
  • Making sudden movements, such as while playing sports
  • Sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or a pillow that is too high
  • Abuse of high-calorie foods, coffee, alcohol
  • Remaining in a bent position for long periods of time, such as when cleaning or in the garden
  • wear high heels

Yoga treats osteochondrosis

Yoga is an excellent choice of physical activity for osteochondrosis. There are no sudden movements or heavy objects. Yoga not only eliminates symptoms but also fights the root causes of the disease. In rare cases, yoga is contraindicated, so you should still discuss it with your doctor.Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that can be prevented. To do this, you need to monitor your diet and physical activity.